
Thursday, July 13, 2017

Summer Reads

Hello lovelies!

How is your summer going so far? I haven't posted in a bit, because I've been spending a ton of time with my boys . . .  all five of them! (Yes, I included my hubby in that roundup.:D)

I've also been writing (woohoo!)...and will share soon enough.:)

But in the meantime, let's talk summer reads!  I think summer is a great time for books, and of course, beach reads. ICYMI, I think the Nil series makes for a great summer read! (I know, I know, I'm TOTALLY biased but hey, a girl's gotta love her own words, right?:D) And it's all about the books!

So...what else having I been reading, or want to read?

Here's a roundup of books on my summer TBR:

With the exception of THE NEST, all are YA. Not all have been released, yet, but will be by summer's end AND I CANNOT WAIT TO READ THEM!!!

And here are three YA novels I recently read and loved:

Oh, and the series I'm smack in the middle of and LOVING?

Yep, ADSOM. It's brilliant. Loving it to pieces.

Okay lovelies, do you see a theme in the books above? As summer approaches, I love a good HEA, especially in YA. I also like twists and turns and depth, and I adore amazing characters that change and grow... but what I love most of all are FEELS. And YA is full of feels.

Here's a post I did for Swoon Reads a few years ago when I talked about the feels in YA, and why I think they're so intense: Why YA Packs in the Feels.

So what at you reading? How's your summer so far? What's on your TBR?

Talk soon, sweet #NILtribe, and I'll try not to be such a stranger. :)

*mwah* :)


Thursday, April 27, 2017

This Saturday - Come chat with me!

Hi lovelies!

Event alert!

A quick heads up that I'll be at the Barnes & Noble Town Center in Jacksonville this Saturday, April 29, from 12:30 - 1:30! I'll be hosting a writing workshop and signing books! I'd love to see you!!!

Check out the B & N Event page for more information!:)

Monday, January 9, 2017

Happy 2017!

Hello lovelies!

I can't believe it's already 2017!

I haven't posted in a how are you? Reading? Dreaming? Loving life? I hope all of the above!:) 

Me, I've been busy writing and spending time with my family. Giving birth to a trilogy has been both absolutely wonderful and incredibly time-consuming, so I've taken some time to refill my creative well!:) I've been reading, taking Charley on walks, relaxing at the beach, playing games with my boys and watching them play all their sports, hanging out with my sweet hunky husband, going to movies and, writing. Yes, writing! *happy dance*

I hope to have news to report soon, but in the meantime, look for the NIL ON FIRE paperback to release later this spring!

Until then, feel free to check out the writing tunes I'm listening to on Spotify. My favorite tunes today? 

Dancing on Glass by St. Lucia....


Top by Hoonch.

Happy listening!

*sends all the love and light and happy creative vibes I can find to you*
