
Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tribal Tuesday!!!

Just a few newsy things this week!

You still have time to enter to win a galley of NIL UNLOCKED over at Bewitched Bookworms. 3 days left, to be specific. :) The clock is ticking . . .

A signed copy of NIL is up for grabs at Becoming Books . . . plus a Q&A in which I gush about the #NILtribe.:)

 Also, next month I'll be at the Vegas Valley Book Festival on October 18, on a panel with Amy Tintera, Mindy McGinnis and more! Find out all the details here!

Last but not least, I wanted to share the cool tune I've been writing to this week. I'm working on a secret project THAT MAY OR MAY NOT BE NIL RELATED. We'll see.:)

Here you go!

Gaslight Anthem's Get Hurt:

Happy Tuesday #NILtribe!


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Tribal Tuesday!!!

Hi y'all!

Welcome to the first Tribal Tuesday!

These are the days when the #NILtribe gathers and noms island snacks…and sits around and gets ALL THE ISLAND SCOOP.:)

Seriously, these are the days when the tribe gets to speak up. To ask questions, about NIL, NIL UNLOCKED, or the island itself . . . about characters and sequels . . . about writing or publishing or cookies or whatever the tribe has on their mind.:) It's also the days when I'll share island scoop.

NIL or NIL UNLOCKED scoop . . .  like the fact the the cover for NIL UNLOCKED was just released and I LOVE IT!

If you missed it, go here to check out the cover goodness and enter to win a galley of NIL UNLOCKED.

And ICYMI, here's the blurb of NIL UNLOCKED:

On the island of Nil, the rules are set. You have exactly 365 days to escape—or you die. Rives is now the undisputed Leader of Nil City, but keeping the City united is tougher than ever.

Raiders have grown bolder, supplies are dwindling, and non-human inhabitants have taken a turn toward the deadly. New arrivals cause rifts within the City, putting the Search system at risk, and calling everything Rives knows into question. Desperate for answers, he teams up with the only other person searching for them: Skye, a new arrival with a mysterious past of her own. Soon the duo find themselves locked in a desperate race to save all the residents of Nil—and possibly destroy the island forever. But at what cost? And who will pay the price?

Cool, right?:)

Ok, #NILtribe, the floor is yours! Got questions? Leave them below! Or you can ask me on Twitter at @LSMatson.:)

And don't forget . . . tomorrow is #WinNIL Wednesday on Twitter and FB--good luck!


Friday, September 12, 2014




It's AMAZING. When I saw it for the first time, I screamed "YES!" (Well, not out loud actually, but IN MY  HEAD.:D) It's so perfect!

Wanna see?

I'll post here but before I do, you should know the official cover reveal is happening over at Bewitched Bookworms and Danny is also hosting a giveaway! You can enter to win a hardcover of NIL and a galley of NIL UNLOCKED.  So go! Enter! And you can read the story behind NIL UNLOCKED too.:)

But if you're still here . . .

and you want to see the cover . . .

scroll down. :)

Keep going . . .

and scrolling . . .

once more . . . .

BOOM. Here you go! The awesome I'm-so-in-love-with-it cover for NIL UNLOCKED! (Which will be out in May. Just in case you didn't know.:D)

Isn't it so cool?!
Love the graphics inside the word NIL.:) And the reflection on the water!

More NIL UNLOCKED scoop coming soon!!! Thanks for stopping by!:)