
Monday, August 25, 2014

#NILquote Contest

Hi y'all!

I'm SOOOO happy to say I finished edits on NIL UNLOCKED. *cue crazy happy dance*

To celebrate, I thought have a contest!

And since school is in session, here's the contest assignment:

Tell me your favorite quote from NIL in the comments below, and yes, you can leave more than one! (Max entry=five.:D)

Contest will run until December 1. Open internationally!

I'll pick the winner at random  and the winner will win some special Nil bling from the upcoming NIL UNLOCKED and BE ELIGIBLE TO WIN AN ARC OF NIL UNLOCKED TOO . It will also run on Twitter, FB and if you posted your answer elsewhere, be sure to use the hashtag #NILquote so I see your answer.

Sound cool?:)

Oh, and did you catch that all commenters will be automatically entered in my first contest to win an ARC of NIL UNLOCKED when I get them??? Yup. It's true. Drop a #NILquote and you could get your hands on NIL UNLOCKED early. Just like that.:)

Good luck! I can't wait to hear your favorite quotes!!!

And welcome to the tribe!


Monday, August 4, 2014

It's OFFICIAL! NIL UNLOCKED will be out next year!

I've been waiting for SOOOOO long to share this exciting news! 

NIL UNLOCKED will be out next year. *cue crazy tribal happy dance*

Here's proof:

The official Publisher's Marketplace announcement! Woot!

NIL UNLOCKED is a sequel to NIL, picking up on the island from the moment where Nil left off.  Like NIL, NIL UNLOCKED is told from two different POV's, with each character bringing different information and desires and secrets to the story.

POV number 1? Rives. One of Thad's Seconds in NIL, Rives is a character worthy of more time. I lurrvvvee Rives. Like Charley during her days on Nil, Rives is driven to uncover Nil's secrets and solve all the island's mysteries…but his desire to unlock Nil is quickly approaching obsessive proportions.

And the second POV? Skye. A newcomer with a family past tied to Nil, Skye is a rookie unlike any Rives has ever met.

Want a blurb to make you drool? The tribe's wish is my command!!!

Still on Nil after Thad's shocking play, Rives is the undisputed Leader of Nil City. But keeping the City united is tougher than ever.
Raiders have grown bolder, City supplies are dwindling, and the non-human inhabitants have taken a definite turn toward the deadly. New arrivals cause rifts within the City, putting the Search system at risk and calling everything Rives knows into question: the island, his humanity, and his heart. Rives’s desperate thirst for understanding is rivaled only by Skye’s, a new arrival with a mysterious past of her own. Soon they're locked in a desperate race to save all the teens at once--and destroy the island forever. But the cost of success may be greater than they ever imagined . . . just like Nil's power.
Told from the dual view points of Rives and Skye, NIL UNLOCKED offers a stunning conclusion to the story begun in NIL. Fans of NIL will be glued to the pages until the last one is turned.

Okay, #NILtribe, there you go!  Next year will be full of more Nil, more mysteries, more feels. :) And more #NILtribe!!!! So get your grass skirt ready. We're ALL IN.  More #WinNIL Wednesdays (one a month until April 2015). . . more Nil sekrit scoop.

And coming up next? Tribal Tuesdays. They start Sept 2.:)
