
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Happy Halloween!

Today over at the YA Valentines, we're spilling book sekrits about our main characters. JUICY sekrits. SCARY skerits. :) BUT THE BEST PART? It's like a book sneak peek!

So, if you head over to the YA Valentines' blog, you'll find our what Charley, one of my main characters in NIL, is most afraid of.:) Go ahead and peek...I'll wait.

*noms Kit Kats* 

Great! You're back! :)

Did you read all the other great scoop on the other Valentines MC's? I'll bet you found some sweet books to add to your 2014 TBR list.:)

But today--it's Halloween! As soon as my boys are home from school, we're going to carve our pumpkins, then dress up and do some trick-or-treating in our neighborhood.

Pumpkin carving is one of my favorite things. Every year we do something different...and I love surfing the internet for inspirations.

Like these:

What's your favorite pumpkin design? I tend to go more fun than creepy.

Whatever you're carving or doing, have a safe and happy night! 

Happy Halloween everyone!


Sunday, October 20, 2013

Hot YA Reads & other cool YA stuff

Hi y'all!

Ok, so NIL comes out in less than five months. So crazy exciting! I've got heaps of fun stuff planned in the coming months...lots of fun posts, NIL trivia, the launch of #NILtribe, and of course, giveaways! The first big giveaway happens in December. I promise to give you plenty of notice and lots of chances to enter. :)

So, starting in December, THE GIVEAWAYS. What can you win, you ask? Lots of NIL galleys to be won, plus loads of cool swag. Bookmarks! Buttons! Bling! (Bone cuff bracelet anyone?!)

In the meantime, lots of 2014 book goodness is in the works. Check out this new FB page for Florida authors...the HOT YA Reads page. Click here for the scoop. Isn't it cool?! (Or hawt?! lol)

The sweet Christina Farley (author of GILDED) got the Florida authors together, and I have to say, it's awesome. Next year we'll have group signings and lots of Florida-based YA book epicness ALL IN ONE PLACE! :)

So check out the Hot YA Reads...and check back here for NIL sekrits and scoop.

Info on how to join the #NILtribe coming soon! :)

