
Wednesday, November 21, 2012


Hi y'all!

Happy-almost-Thankgiving! :D

I know my blog's been a little quiet lately. ;( I'm still figuring this blog thing out, and in the precious minutes I've found to write, I've been revising one manuscript, beta-reading another (an amazing YA light sci-fi manuscript that y'all will LOVE when it comes out!) and reading. Like most writers, I love to read. Books are brain candy all the way. :D

And, as my CP's and family know, I read freakishly fast. It's weird, but I always have. The upside? Two hours and I've read a great book. Done. The downside? I don't get to stay with those characters as long as I'd like. So when characters linger . . . and I keep thinking about them, and the world(s) they inhabit, and the choices they made . . . I LOVE IT. (Think Harry Potter, Sirius Black, Edward Cullen, Mia and Adam, Peeta, Lessa of Pern, Sita, Jenna Fox  . . . I could go on but I'll stop. :D).

The last novel with characters that stayed with me? THROUGH TO YOU by Emily Hainsworth (*psst* The cover is on my sidebar to the right...go on, look. I'll wait. :D)

Okay! You're back! So, THROUGH TO YOU. Here's the description from Goodreads:

"Camden Pike has been grief-stricken since his girlfriend, Viv, died. He’d give anything to have just one more glimpse of her. But when Cam visits the site of Viv’s deadly car accident, he sees an apparition. Her name is Nina, and she’s a girl from a parallel world. When Cam follows here there and makes an unbelievable discovery, it’s as if all his wildest dreams have come true. But things are very different in this other world. Nina is hiding a secret, and the window between the worlds is shrinking every day. As Cam comes to terms with the truth, he’s forced to make a choice that will change his life forever."

Don't you want to read it?!

IMO, using the device of parallel worlds, Emily's development of Viv was brilliant. And Camden's evolution as a character is as impressive as Emily's treatment of Viv, for different reasons. I don't want to spoil this read for anyone (so I'll stay vague) but Camden can "see" both worlds, and this dual sight leads to insight: about the people in both worlds, including himself. 

It's been weeks since I read THROUGH TO YOU, and I still find myself thinking about Camden, and Viv. Even Nina. They have lingered, as have their choices....and I love that. :) Thanks Emily, for a GREAT read. :D

Ok, readers, what about you? What books--or characters--have lingered with you after you closed the book? Old favorites, or new discoveries? And on a side note, what's your favorite Thanksgiving dish? Mine is sweet potato casserole, with pecans on top.:D Double-yum.

Off to bake.:) Can't wait to hear about your faves!